Study Details
Details below on how to participate in our latest research
What is the study about?
The study has been established to help understand the health consequences of (un)employment. To examine these effects we will be assessing salivary hormones and psychological factors in both employed and unemployed adults. On completion of all parts of the study we will give you a €10 all for one voucher to compensate you for your time.
Can anyone take part?
Anyone can take part as long as you are aged between18-65 and do not have an immune (e.g. diabetes, arthritis) of heart-related illness (e.g. angina, high blood pressure).
What will I need to do?
To volunteer in the study you will be asked to complete a survey that will take about 20 minutes and provide us with some saliva samples (to assess your hormone levels). The survey questions include stuff on health behaviours, age, gender, financial status, employment history, mood and how you feel in general. This survey can be completed online after you agree to take part or alternatively we can send you a hard copy and you can post everything back to us in a stamped addressed envelope that we will provide. The saliva samples can be collected in small tubes and stored at home and posted by to us in the envelope that we will provide. Because the levels of hormones changes from morning to evening we need to collect 4 samples(two in the morning, one at noon and another in the evening) for two days. This is done by putting a cotton wool roll under your tongue for 1-minute and then putting it back in the tube for storage- so it’s very easy. See video ‘Saliva Sampling’ on the website for more information.
Are there any benefits or risks?
There are no known risks to the study. The benefits are that the study will deliver new information that may guide social welfare policy and training initiatives.
Ethical Conduct & Your Rights in Research Participation
You have the right at any time during or after this research to withdraw yourself and your data from the study. All the information you provide us is confidential and anonymous. You will be given a “participant identification code” when you agree to take part, which will ensure your anonymity and allows us to identify your data should you wish to withdraw. The information gleaned from this research will be prepared in to scientific articles for publication in journals and conference presentations.
Do I have to sign anything?
Yes, if you agree to participate we will ask you to tick the agreement button below. This is to show that you have understood what is involved and that you have read the Information Sheet. You can still withdraw at any time.
If you prefer to contact us any questions or would like further information via email rather than the form below please feel free to contact
the project manager Rachel Sumner at [email protected] or Director Stephen Gallagher at [email protected]
Contact us via social media by clicking below
If you have any concerns about this study and wish to contact someone independent you may contact: Chairman Education and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee, EHS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Tel (061) 234101. [email protected]