SASHLab on Tour!

Several of our SASHLab members presented at the Psychology Health and Medicine Conference on the 22nd of March.

Stephen Gallagher talked about social identity, online social support and psychological well-being in those living with breast cancer. Aisling Costello presented on emotional intelligence, dysfunctional emotion regulation and cardiovascular recovery from stress.Tracey Keogh discussed a cross-sectional analysis of cardiovascular reactivity and hemodynamic profile in smokers, non-smokers and social smokers.

Eoin Brown talked about loneliness and cardiovascular activity in older adults, while Grace McMahon presented on attachment, social support and cardiovascular reactivity. Adam O'Riordan presented his research on Type D personality. We are grateful to Maynooth University for hosting an amazing day of health psychology research!

Not to mention SASHLab is on tour next week to the 40th STAR Conference in Palma de Majorca! Siobhán Griffin will be presenting for oral and poster sessions. Her talk is titled "Does the emotional content of the stressor matter? Implications for emotion regulation and cardiovascular reactivity", and the title of her poster presentation is "Testing the validity of a novel passive stress task". Stephen Gallagher will be chairing the Health Psychology session and also presenting his work on social support and depression in those living with breast cancer.

Other lab members are presenting as part of a symposium session. First, Grace McMahon will discuss the adverse impact of insecure attachment on cardiovascular reactivity. Adam O’Riordan continues this focus, evaluating social relationships as a mediator between Type D personality and CVR. Next, in further exploring psychosocial factors that can influence cardiovascular reactivity, former SASHLab member Dr Brenda O’Connell, currently in NUI Maynooth, looks at individual differences, and will present on the protective role of gratitude on reactivity. Aisling Costello will discuss prolonged activation of the cardiovascular system during a post-stress recovery phase and how it is influenced by rumination. Dr. Annie Ginty (Baylor University, Texas) will discuss how reappraisal alters interpretations of physiological arousal and anxiety during acute stress.To close, discussant Siobhán Howard will summarise the key factors shown to influence the physiological responses to stress and point to future directions in the field of stress and health. Looking forward to a fantastic conference programme @Society_STAR (not to mention the sunshine!).

#STARconference #LoveIrishResearch

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